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Risk Management Senior Analyst (For Omani National Only)

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Key Responsibilities:

A. Research and investigation

Selects and uses appropriate operational research modelling techniques to tackle problems.

Employs, or knows when to employ optimization techniques to business issues.

Appraise or design an operational process.

Employs the relevant forecasting tools and applies them correctly within a specific engagement.

B. Business process and project management

Prepares and manages any project within the Risk management activity or within the Organization

Identifies and prioritizes business processes and depicts and presents them using flowcharting techniques.

Proposes tactics that can be immediately applied to improve the business unit’s processes.

Evaluates and employs process analysis tools and reviews the work completed in them.

Evaluates and employs analysis techniques that quickly identify process gaps.

Measures the efficiency and effectiveness of business unit’s processes.

Assembles and leads a team in mapping, analysis and business process improvement.

Identifies and analyses internal and external cross-functional process interfaces.

C. Risk and Control

Measures whether the organization’s activities are meeting its mission, vision and strategic objectives.

Applies performance management techniques to evaluate and report on the performance of the risk management function.

Employs and monitors the ISO 310000, ISO/ANZ standard or COSO ERM framework on risk management to be'ah's activities.

Ensures risk Management activities are aligned with and enhance the organization’s enterprise risk management, as appropriate.

Effectively explains risk management issues to managers and personnel.

Applies, manages and monitors the application of an internationally accepted control framework (eg. ERM, COSO or ISO) to all Risk Management and consulting activities.

D. Data Collection and Analysis

Chairs a meeting with a range of organizational personnel (from operations through to executive), determining the agenda and issues to be discussed.

Asks relevant, pertinent and probing questions, and accurately writes up the contents of the meeting.

Designs and employs the use a questionnaire or survey as part of risk management engagement.

E. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques.

Evaluates and selects the appropriate problem-solving techniques.

F. Risk Management Principles and Practice

Educates an organization on the probability, nature and scope of risks and opportunities and their likely impact on an organization.

Builds resilience across an organization to manage current and future risks, opportunities and uncertainties.

Advises the process owners and stakeholders on the appropriateness of different approaches to managing risks.

G. Organizational Environment

Assesses the influence of an organization’s strategic intent, internal context and governance practice on risk management.

Influences management decision-making to achieve the right balance of risk and opportunity.

Embeds risk management into organizational strategies and policies.

H. Risk Management Strategy and Architecture

Evaluates the extent to which individual risk strategies are consistent with the overall risk strategy.

Assigns ownership and levels of authority that comply with the requirements of the strategy.

Ensures consistency between an organization’s risk management strategy, organizational strategies and its governance structure.

I. Risk Management Policy and Procedures

Implements plans and priorities to deliver risk management policy within agreed timescales and budgets.

Implements risk management policy ensuring that ownership and responsibilities are fulfilled within authority limits.

Reviews the effectiveness of risk management policy and processes and the use of resources and makes recommendations.

J. Risk Culture and Appetite

Fosters an organization’s culture through the design of organizational systems, processes and behaviors.

Nurtures the balance between risk taking, risk management and rewards in line with an organization’s risk appetite.

Embeds risk management approaches into organizational values.

K. Risk Performance and Reporting

Reports on the strategic and financial impact of risks.

Specifies the design requirements of risk performance reporting systems.

Reports recommendations for improvements based on systematic analyses of information at agreed intervals.

L. Risk Assessment

Interprets facts, patterns and trends to reach evidence-based decisions on the nature of risks and opportunities.

Prioritizes risks and opportunities in terms of probability, scale, significance, impact and distribution.

Evaluates interdependencies between risks, uncertainties and opportunities, critical failure points and resource implications.

M. Risk Treatment

Monitors the effectiveness of an organization’s approaches to risk treatment and makes recommendations.

Develops, prioritizes and resources suitable controls to treat identified risks and manage opportunities.

Ensures the continuing coordination of business continuity and crisis management strategies and plans with risk management.

N. Communication and Consultation

Identifies media and methods for communicating the risk strategy that align with target groups.

Develops risk communication interventions that further relationships with stakeholders and are consistent with organizational values and standards.

Manages stakeholders’ expectations in a way that is consistent with organizational values and standards.

O. Change Management

Advises the process owners and stakeholder on how to embed risk management throughout an organization’s change activities.

Develops change plans that support agreed changes to strategies and policies.

Ensures change-related risks and opportunities are managed proportionately.

P. People Management

Provides support that incentivizes people to take responsibility for managing risks and opportunities within the limits of their role.

Deploys the right mix of competence and expertise to meet strategic and operational imperatives.

Develops the knowledge and competence of the workforce for the management of risks and opportunities.

Q. Others

Support the Section Head Risk Management with the development of the departmental budget and provide progress reports on activities related to the plan

Develop risk reports as per the required format/specifications

Contribute to the design, development, and implementation of risk training for employees to raise the awareness of the risk culture across be’ah

Collate and analyze risk data and prepare management reports/ presentations.

Other responsibilities as given by the Risk Management Section Head.

Minimum Qualifications & Experiences:

  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance or Business Management or relevant with total experience from 4-6, minimum of 2 years’ relevant experience ideally in Risk Management/ implementing Enterprise Risk Management processes.


in oman , Muscat city

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