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Risk Management Corporate Senior Associate (For Omani National Only)

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Key Responsibilities:

1. Lead and participate in risk management activities all across be’ah.

2. Leads the risk assessment practices/sessions of all departments and/or functions in be’ah.

3. Support and advise the team in risk analysis and evaluations during and afterwards risk assessment sessions and ensures its accuracy based on COSO and ISO Risk Management standards.

4. Ensure proper evaluation of previously handled risks and comparing mitigation approaches to potential risks.

5. Recommend and ensure appropriate mitigation actions and ensure progress of recovery plans.

6. Monitor and maintain the corporate risk Management that includes corporate risk assessment, identification of external risks, top 10 risks, and critical risks, and ensure risks embedment to corporate objectives and corporate values across the organization.

7. Supervise the team in monitoring adherence to action plans, assessing milestones, and noting control deficiencies.

8. Support process owners in creating continuity plans and guides planned to limit risks.

9. Support and advise management in preparing action plans to decrease risk factors in be’ah and evaluate whether the organization’s activities are meeting its vision, mission and strategic goals.

10. Develop and deliver risk awareness in be’ah (including BoD, all be’ah staff and risk champions).

11. Assisting in establishing a network of risk champions across be’ah and provide the necessary training and support to them.

12. Lead risk champions across be’ah and monitor their progress during the year.

13. Help in collaboration with management in developing the risk appetite.

14. Help in collaboration with management to determine and document the organizations level of risk tolerance.

15. Support the management in determining the desired risk culture.

16. Responsible for communicating the risk policy and risk appetite to the organization.

17. Presents the risk reports biannually to the BoD/ A&RMC.

18. Assist in producing risk reports to Management that outlines findings, explain risk positions, or recommend changes.

19. Capturing, understanding, and explaining the risk to stakeholders across the organization.

20. Other responsibilities as given by the Risk Management Manager.

21. Adhere to all relevant quality, health, safety and environmental procedures, instructions, controls and role specific OHSE KPI in order to guarantee the safety of employees, quality of products/ services and environmental compliance.

Minimum Qualifications & Experiences:

  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting, Finance or Business Management with total experience from 8-10 years, minimum of 4 years’ relevant experience ideally in Risk Management/ implementing Enterprise Risk Management processes.


in oman , Muscat city

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1 Jobs available, apply now

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مستوى متوسط الأقدمية

1 year ago
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