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Digital Advisor

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Industry Solutions (IS) is a global organization of over 13,000 strategic sellers, industry experts, elite engineers, and world-class architects, consultants, and delivery experts who work together to bring Microsoft’s mission of empowerment - and cutting-edge technology - to life for the world’s most influential customers. We are on the front lines of innovation, working side-by-side with customers to drive value across the entirety of their digital transformation journey. Our team prides itself on embracing a growth mindset, inspiring excellence, and encouraging everyone to share their unique viewpoints and be their authentic selves. Join us and help create life-changing innovations that impact billions around the world! Are you ready to seize an opportunity to work with Microsoft's most established customers, advising and supporting their executives with the planning and realization of key digital transformation initiatives focused on the value created with digital technologies? If so, the Digital Advisor position, within Microsoft, is a unique career opportunity for you! Responsibilities As part of the Customer Transformation & Innovation organization, our Digital Advisors know their customer’s usiness, the industry in which they operate, and how Microsoft can help them drive their Digital transformation. The broad scope of responsibility of this role requires a solid understanding of both business and technology strategy, a principled approach to broad digital transformational challenges and opportunities including strong leadership and people skills. They also share a common set of characteristics and bring the experience that will drive innovation and Customer value leveraging the following:  Customer and Industry Insights: act as a thought leader with deep coaching and industry expertise related to our customers. Coach teams to articulate and understand specific industry-related market trends, as well as customer threats, opportunities, and barriers to growth as they relate to the customer's broader industry. Trusted Advisor: work with our customers to envision transformational opportunities and develop a robust business case to instigate decision-making. Act as the voice of the customer towards our teams (products, engineering, …) across all levels of the organization. Sales/GTM Enablement: support Microsoft teams in working with customers on strategic big deals and expanding Microsoft relationships with large, complex, and/or global customers into strategic partnerships that drive consumption pipeline. Digital Transformation, Scoping and Orchestration: frame new opportunities through a transformational program of change. Identify the right industry partners to drive this customer digital transformation journey and provide end-to-end governance from value discovery to value realization to accelerate value creation for our customers. Qualifications Thought leader with executive presence, strong credibility, including ability to hold CxO, BDMs and Board level discussions, Exceptional interpersonal, verbal, written and presentation skills,  Proven experience in a consulting firm driving customer business outcomes, Ability to generate trust, build alliances, and orchestrate interdisciplinary teams to the benefit of customers, Leadership to drive vision and consultative selling at BDM/CxO level, Strong experience managing technology-enabled business change within one or more industries (Retail, Manufacturing, Health, Gov, Financial Services, …) Ability to balance strategic thinking with pragmatic operational execution and delivery, including the coordination of relevant resources, Empathy, curiosity, and desire to constantly improve, acquire new skills and drive for results,  Ability to conceptualize, launch and plan the delivery of digital-enabled business change projects,  Recognized innovator with strong storytelling abilities to inspire growth mindset for the teams and the customers, and to influence mind share in the professional and industry networks,  Passion for technology, business, market trends, and specifically the Customer,  Ability to become an advocate for Microsoft’s vision and value proposition, and diverse offerings, by conceptualizing, planning, and leading implementation/adoption of Microsoft technologies, Broad understanding of the technology industry, including current and emerging Digital Solutions Situational awareness to adapt and solve challenges from a business and technology perspective Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, Business or related


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